We defend and promote the use of reason and critical thinking, whilst not forgetting our poetical side embodied in art and literature.

Attend our Lectures.

We gather periodically, and one of our members presents on a pre-selected topic. Are you interested in astronomy, medicine, Renaissance art or poetry? Attend our lectures and become a part of our community of like-minded individuals.

Bring up Interesting Topics. Discuss.

Our members’ intellectual and artistic ambitions are the backbone of our association. We not only listen, we also speak. Become part of our discussions after every association gathering, and share your thoughts with the rest of us.

Write an Article.

Are you passionate about an intellectual or artistic field and want to share your thoughts with the world in written form? Our website features articles by our members.

We lay the ground for a new type of humanism, universal humanism.

Our Decalogue

May the eyes of the future stare at our species with pride despite all our faults and dilemmas.

May our desire to learn never falter, 

Sapere Aude!